Remember this post about a Sunday School class raising money for Valentin from now until Valentines? How amazing is this group? The Sunday school class consists of what they told me is “4 teenage boys and 1 old lady.” It has been so much fun to be in contact with the “one old lady” as she calls herself (I think that is so cute). We have had wonderful exchanges over email and I have absolutely fallen in love with her, the boys that are working so hard to raise money, and the amazing community that has come together to help rescue Valentin! 5 people in a small town in Mississippi, a few states away from where we live, were able to raise $4,200. I almost don’t know what to say except praise God for His faithful servants!
Here are excerpts from some of the emails I received:
“Here is a picture of our money jar for Valentin collected this morning. This shows what God can do with 4 teenage boys and one old lady! I wish everyone could have seen the smiles and enthusiasm. They brought their blessing bags and dumped their money, there are too many stories to tell. There is about $200 in the jar. Can't wait to see what next week brings. Thank you for giving us such an awesome opportunity. Your family has touched us forever.”

“The kids will be hosting a luncheon after church. All we make will go to Valentin. They will be cooking the food on Saturday. This has and continues to be such a blessing. You can definitely see the hand of God. As a footnote: we were planning the menu and I said to them what are we going to do about dessert? One of the kids said ‘You could make those cut out cookies you used to make us!!!!!!!! You can make them in the shape of hearts and we can ice them in pink!’ (I used to make those for them when I tutored them years ago). So I have been up making cookie dough this morning with a great deal of joy in my heart. God has been working in this project for a long time.”
“We have fallen in love with Valentin!! There are so many things about all of this that show God's hand. I really think God has been preparing "five teenage boys and one old lady" for this moment in time. I have a special connection to all the boys, I kept two of them in an after school program for about four years and tutored the other three for awhile so there is a bond there. We also lost the only girl in our class in August in a car accident. Her initials were GEM so we are thankful to be a part of helping another of God's GEMs to be a part of your precious family."
"The boys had $465 in their jar as of Sunday. They wanted to count it during school so we looked like we had been to the casino. Our plans for the lunch after church are coming to fruition. They are going to help cook cause I think that is important for them to learn that stuff just doesn't appear. I can't begin to tell you what your story has meant to so many people in a small town in Mississippi. I am overwhelmed that there are people willing to do what you are doing. You have touched so many by your willingness and unselfishness. Thank God for leading us to Valentin and his rescue. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be a part of something so wonderful. To paraphrase we have been 'Changed for the better'." the small town in Mississippi, lead by 4 teenage boys and 1 old lady, you my friends have changed us for the better!
Thank you for sharing this. What a beautiful touching group of people. It sure does sound as though God had this in the planning for some time. May God continue to bless each of you.