This is what we have been doing for a month. That is 43 documents all notarized and apostilled by the Secretary of State. Yes, you read that right 43 documents!!!
43 documents obtained as quickly as possible through multiple trips to the County Clerk, the notary, our mortgage company, the notary, the County Assessor, the notary, our home study agency, our doctors office, the notary, the medical lab, our pediatrician’s office, my husband’s office, the post office, the bank, the Department of Public Safety, the notary, the fingerprint office, the Secretary of State’s office, did I mention the notary, and days of endless stress and many emotional breakdowns.
And you know what? Each document…totally worth it!!! Because Valentin is totally worth it!
I have to give so much credit and thanks to our friend Kristi who would, on a moments notice, drop what she was doing to notarize our MANY documents, FOR FREE. If you are adopting or thinking about adopting your best friend will be a notary. If you don’t know one, find one. :)
We wondered if this day would come, the day we finished our dossier documents and sent it to Valentin’s country. After so much blood, sweat, and tears it was hard to hand over our precious documents and entrust them to the shipping company. We kissed and hugged the documents, we talked to them and told them to be safe and we loved them, and we prayed for them and we reluctantly handed them over.
The boys still don’t quite “get” all this paperwork stuff but they sure thought it was cool that the package would be getting on a plane and flying over the ocean.

Now, sending the dossier does not mean much as far as process goes. We are still waiting for immigration approval and until then our dossier is incomplete. But at least our documents will be in Valentin’s country ready to submit when immigration approval is done.
Wishing Godspeed to those documents!!
ReplyDeleteWHOOOHOOOOO!!!! I remember the feeling like it was yesterday. All that hard work, time, money and importance left to a UPS/FedEx or USPS clerk. You want to make very sure they truly understand how important those documents are. I remember the girl behind the counter asking me if I wanted to insure my document and how much it was worth. I simply laughed at her and said "more priceless than you know". :) Congratulations on such a huge step. I really hope you get your Immigration approval comes real soon!!
ReplyDeleteSo happy to see the progress! It is an amazing feeling. Our dossier just arrived in China today, and I totally related to your feelings about letting go of that precious package!
ReplyDeleteWhoa, friend! Love it! Loved that kissing/hugging/praying for document part. Love you all!
ReplyDeleteWay to go! From another AP who has done an EE dossier - it isn't easy! You should be proud and happy that you all did it so quickly :) Our family is thinking and praying for yours!
ReplyDeleteI just came across your blog...we are adopting and are at the same stage you are! Except we did just get immigration approval and our dossier is still at the USA consulate...ready to be sent over. Blessings to you!!! The blog has lots of advice on how to expedite through immigration! Hope I can keep following...the days are you well know! :)